Monday, February 25, 2013

Studying and Learning Techniques

Article for metacognition and critical thinking:

I really like this article because it's complicated. It raises some important questions:

  1. Is there a difference between studying and learning?
  2. What strategies work well for learning facts vs learning how to respond creatively / critically to a challenge?
  3. Why is it important to consider an author's purpose and intended audience while reading?
I think the article would be a valuable tool in both grade 9 and grade 12 classes, but obviously would require greater support in the junior grades.  The original posting contains additional images and can be found here:  Neurobonkers Blog

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Book for Grade 10/11

From Goodreads:
A gleeful and exhilarating tale of global conspiracy, complex code-breaking, high-tech data visualization, young love, rollicking adventure, and the secret to eternal life—mostly set in a hole-in-the-wall San Francisco bookstore

Robin Sloan did such a great job of building the world of Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore that twice he had me googling character names and events just to be sure they were actually fictional.

Mr Penubra will launch many discussions about the things we value, and the decisions we make. The twenty-somethings in the book are wondering about the school and career decisions they've made while being caught up in an exciting 500 year old mystery.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Know Yourself / Be Yourself

Great short video of Neil deGrasse Tyson.  Articulate. Direct. Earnest.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Be Yourself

"The greatest persons who have ever been in society were never versions of someone else..."

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why Grammar Matters - Point / Counterpoint

This entry from the Harvard Business Review Blog

Google Doc: The original article I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar provoked an interesting discussion on Reddit.  I've brought the two together in the google doc.

The discussion features a wide variety of points of view.  I think the topic is useful both as an example of why grammar can matter (I'd add the concept of purpose and audience to the discussion), and also as an example of reasoned argument.  The Reddit discussion could be contrasted with other internet "commentary" that quickly degenerates into name calling.

Thanks to Ashley Crawford and Keith Pearce at MDHS for the link.

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